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About Us

Welcome to the Eczema Oasis

This is a place where you can find natural solutions to bring relief from eczema for both you and your loved ones.

Why is this important to us?

Eczema, and managing its itchiness, is a tough journey that I and my family know too well

In 2012 I first started to experience eczema. Although mild at first, over the next three years it escalated to cover much of my body. Eczema quickly became a black hole that continued to drain energy and money in the effort to maintain my family’s quality of life.

Throughout those years, I tried countless products and remedies, ranging from hydrocortisone ointments to herbal medicines. Through trial and error, I believe I've since found the best method to keep my eczema under control.

When the newest addition to our family arrived, we discovered he too was prone to eczema on his joints. Using dry and wet wrap therapy with zinc-infused wraps, we've been keeping his eczema under control!

Our Mission

Here at Eczema Oasis, we understand all eczema is different, and what works for one may not work for another. However, we will recommend only what we have tried ourselves. 

Combining our personal experiences with science based research, we hope to support you with products that help you and your family along your journey - and without harmful side-effects. 

Our goal is to promote healthy living with materials that are safe for your skin. Please reach out if you have any questions!

Alex & Family



Eczema Oasis - Alex and family